Sliding Scale Dues
There are several ways to fulfill the mitzvah of making your annual dues pledge in support of our diverse and thriving community.
All pledges are confidential. All pledges are gratefully accepted and so very much appreciated.
If you are pledging under General Membership, there are a few ways to make your annual dues pledge:
- You may pledge Base Dues (that’s the base amount voted on by the Congregation each June). Or,
- You may become a member of the Maimonides Society. Maimonides members pledge above Base Dues, thereby helping others in our congregation, and helping Beth El remain financially healthy. Or,
- You may make any annual pledge that fits your financial reality. This sliding scale is meant to assist and inspire, but not necessarily precisely determine your pledge. Everyone’s financial reality is different. Beth El appreciates you taking the time to determine a pledge that is appropriate for you.
You may make any annual pledge that fits your financial reality. This sliding scale is meant to assist and inspire, but not necessarily precisely determine your pledge. Everyone’s financial reality is different. Beth El appreciates you taking the time to determine a pledge that is appropriate for you.
Fri, March 28 2025
28 Adar 5785
Friday ,
MarMarch 28 , 20254th Friday - Shabbat in the Round
Friday, Mar 28th 6:15p to 7:15p
Saturday ,
MarMarch 29 , 2025Early Minyan
Shabbat, Mar 29th 8:30a to 9:15a
Saturday ,
MarMarch 29 , 2025Torah Study
Shabbat, Mar 29th 9:15a to 10:15a
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