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Shabbanukah Ruach

Friday, December 8, 2023 25 Kislev 5784

5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Help us bring in ALL OF THE LIGHTS on this Shabbat Chanukah - “Shabbanukah!” Join us for just one part or all of this ruach-filled evening:

  • 5:30pm - Shabbanukah Ruach Service: Bring your chanukiah (Chanukah menorah) to light at the beginning of our family-friendly service, which will also feature Beth El’s Adult Chorus and Sing! Yeladim (Beth El’s youth chorus). This service is accessible in person in the Beth El Sanctuary and on Zoom.

    Join Zoom Meeting
    Meeting ID: 137 052 321
    Password: BethEl
  • 6:15pm - Shabbanukah Community Dinner: Join us for a catered Chanukah dinner as well as delicious latkes fried up by members of our Beth El community! Registration is required for dinner. See below.
  • 7:00pm - Chanukah Fun! Join us for one (or more!) of the following:
    • Chanukah Cookie Decorating (and eating!) led by Amy Silver
    • A workshop on renewable energy and home electrification led by Beth El’s Climate Tzedek Team
    • Flashlight / Glowlight Capture the Flag for those young and young at heart!
    • The return of Limos and Latkes (6th-12th graders)! Advance registration is required:
  • 8:00pm - Hashkiveinu and Community Laila Tov Circle: as the candles burn out we’ll gather once more as a whole community to sing Hashkiveinu and say goodnight.

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