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Welcome to Kadima!

At Kadima, we endeavor to instill a joy and pride in being Jewish, along with education about Hebrew and the traditions, values and meaning of Judaism. We gather wonderful enthusiastic and knowledgeable educators and devoted Madrichim (teen assistants) to provide a fun, interesting, educational experience. The Jewish values of b’tzelem elohim -- that each of us is created in God’s image -- and kehillah kedosha -- sacred community, are in everything we do. Our program is child-centered, encourages questions and aims to create lifelong Jewish learners.


Grades K-2 meet on
Thursdays, 4:00-6:00 pm

Grades 3-5 meet on 
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 
4:00-6:00 pm

We offer pre-Kadima care and a hearty snack for students who need to arrive early. Many of the schools in BUSD offer bus service from school to us. Ask us for more information!


4:00-4:20: T'filah (Prayer service) (weekly for 3-5th, monthly for K-2)
4:20-4:50: Class by grades
4:50-5:05: Hafsakah (Recess) & Light Snack
5:05-5:50: Class by grades
5:50-6:00: Siyyum (closing) at the steps & dismissal
During class time, the students engage in art, drama, discussion or music (with Cantor Elaya Jenkins-Adelberg!) and Hebrew lessons.


Each grade in Kadima places an emphasis on community building and creating a strong cohort amongst the students. As a class, they will experience and explore Judaism through the rhythm of the Jewish calendar. Each grade brings Hebrew into their learning through Hebrew and Jewish life vocabulary that is relevant to that grade’s specific focus area, experiencing, exploring and participating in T’fillah (prayer), as well as formal Hebrew instruction. While our Kindergarten-2nd grade students are introduced to letters in the Hebrew alphabet, our 3rd-5th grade students begin to learn the skills to read and write while focusing on our Jewish prayers. In addition to reading and reciting our prayers, our students explore the “big ideas” and themes of our Jewish liturgy and participate in a weekly T’fillah (prayer service) as an additional opportunity to explore and strengthen their Hebrew skills.

  • Kindergarten—Introduces our students’ place in the Jewish world, with an exploration of the holidays, Shabbat, Torah stories, and Jewish values and introduces the Hebrew alphabet and language
  • First Grade—Explores the stories of the Jewish people as we expand our exploration of holidays, Torah stories, Shabbat, Havdalah, Israel (food and fun), and begin learning about My Synagogue, and continue to expand their Hebrew learning.
  • Second Grade—Focuses on our Jewish world, with an exploration of the Jewish calendar, Jewish values, the concept of God, biblical stories, and the people of Israel, while oral Hebrew becomes more of a focus and we add in written Hebrew letters. 
  • Third Grade—Delves more deeply into the celebrations and traditions of the Jewish communities around the world, with a deeper exploration of Jewish holidays, ethics, and Jewish values, and as our students expand their Hebrew education and begin to explore our Jewish prayers.
  • Fourth Grade—Focuses on the story of the Jewish people through examining biblical stories, moments in Jewish history, as well as personal family immigration stories while continuing discussions and projects related to God, Torah and acting Jewishly in the world. 
  • Fifth Grade—Offers a focus on Tzedakah and Tikkun Olam. Through the continued exploration of the Jewish calendar and Jewish history, students will continue to think about their place in the Jewish world and our collective responsibility to bring more justice into our communities.
Thu, October 17 2024 15 Tishrei 5785