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If you want to become a member, you will not be turned away because of a lack of financial means. Everyone is an essential and equal part of our community regardless of your financial reality.

At Beth El, we offer three different membership types: General Membership, Tribe Membership, and BENS (Beth El Nursery School) Membership. Every household, regardless of financial realities, fits into one of these types:



(Must be between
20-39 years old,
without dependents)

(Must have at least one
child enrolled in BENS for the academic school year)


Register for Special Holiday Community Celebrations
and Attend Religious Services & Torah Study1
Register for Special Annual Programming: Shabbaton,
Beth El Circles, Shabbat on the Block
Register for Complimentary
High Holy Days Service Passes
Pastoral Support
Recitation of your loved ones' names at the Shabbat
service on their Yarhzeit (Death Anniversary)
Serve on Volunteer Committees
Attend Members-Only Ongoing Engagement Groups:
Chorus, Connections, etc.
Annual Dues2
Annual Security Fee
One-time Capital Contribution
Eligible to vote on matters submitted to a vote of the members & serve on the Board of Directors    
Apply for Financial Aid
Enrollment in Youth & Family Education (YAFE) 3
BENS Priority Registrations
Camp Kee Tov Priority Registration
BENS & Camp Kee Tov Reduced Tuition Rate

1) You are invited to attend and participate in our Saturday morning Torah study. The opportunity to lead Torah Study is reserved for Beth El members.                    
2) Beth El relies on the financial support of the congregation. Because everyone's financial reality is different, please visit for more information.  
3) Households new to Youth & Family Education "YAFE" may enroll for one trial academic year through 5th grade at the non-member rate. Membership and all related opportunities are not included.

All of  Beth El’s membership types have their own benefits and responsibilities:


Along with all services and engagement opportunities that Beth El has to offer, households who choose to join Beth El as General Members can enjoy access to our dedicated clergy team for pastoral support and lifecycle events, become eligible for enrollment in our YAFE (Youth & Family Education program), as well as receive member discounts and priority registration at BENS, Camp Kee Tov, adult education courses, and other programs. Financial Aid for these programs is also available to General Members for those who qualify.

Simply put, if you want to be part of our community, then you are part of our community. 

The filling out forms helps us communicate with you, integrate you into the community and, yes, help you support the synagogue community. We appreciate you taking the time to fill out the forms, but your desire to join us and be in community with us is the most important thing.

General Membership Financial Commitments
Members are required to make financial contributions. Every dollar received goes back to supporting and sustaining our sacred community. 

There are three separate pledges that a new General Member household commits to fulfill: 

  • Annual Membership Dues - A pledge that fits your financial reality; Either Base Dues (currently $3,588), a sliding scale pledge, or another pledge that fits your financial reality. For more information click here. 
  • Annual Security Fee - $200, and
  • A one-time Capital Contribution - $3,000. This commitment can be fulfilled over a number of years, and you may defer initiating payments during your first year of membership.


Tribe Membership is offered to our young adult households in their 20s-30s, living without dependents. Tribe Members enjoy all the same benefits as General Members.

Tribe Membership Financial Commitments
Tribe members make a financial contribution in line with their financial means as they are establishing their financial independence as adults. This translates to a pledge lower than the General Membership’s base dues set by the board of directors. Additionally, Tribe members are not asked to contribute to Beth El’s Capital Contribution.

Tribe members make an annual financial contribution of:
Single Member Household - $360 or
Multi-Person Household - $540
Annual Security Fee - $54

Are these amounts beyond your financial means? Learn about our sliding scale.

BENS (Beth El Nursery School) MEMBERSHIP
Families who have at least one child enrolled in BENS are invited to immerse themselves in Beth El life and explore the community beyond the preschool. All benefits that are offered to General Members are extended to BENS families. 

BENS Membership Financial Commitments
BENS families are not required to make a financial contribution beyond their preschool tuition. Please note, BENS Membership households do not qualify for financial aid. 

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785