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Service/Event Name Date Time Location 
Embodied New Year with Movement, Melody & Mikvah Saturday,
September 28th
4:00-5:15pm Albany Beach (no mixed presence)
Selichot   Saturday, September 28th 7:30-8:45pm
Beit Midrash & Sanctuary (Mixed Presence)
Erev Rosh HaShanah Wednesday, October 2nd 7:30-9:00pm Sanctuary (Mixed Presence)
Rosh HaShanah AM Early Service Thursday,
October 3rd
9:00-10:00am Founders Grove (Mixed Presence)
Rosh HaShanah Ruach Thursday,
October 3rd
10:30-11:00am Founders Grove (Mixed Presence)
Rosh HaShanah AM Late Service Thursday,
October 3rd
11:45am-2:15pm Sanctuary (Mixed Presence)
Rosh HaShanah Teen Program Thursday,
October 3rd
11:45am-1:00pm Beit Midrash
Shofar Service & Tashlich B'yachad Thursday,
October 3rd
3:30-4:30pm Founders Grove (Mixed Presence)
2nd Day Rosh HaShanah AM Service & Lunch Friday,
October 4th
10:15-12:45pm Service
10:15am Sanctuary (Mixed Presence)
12:45pm Breezeway
Erev Shabbat Shuva Friday,
October 4th
6:15-7:15pm Beit Midrash (Mixed Presence)
Shabbat Shuva AM Saturday,
October 5th
10:15-12:15pm Beit Midrash (Mixed Presence)
Kever Avot v'Imahot: Visiting Graves of Loved Ones Sunday,
October 6th
Offsite: 2:00 pm at Gan Shalom Cemetery and 3:15 pm at Tel Shalom (Rolling Hills Memorial Park)
Kol Nidrei Early Service Friday,
October 11th
6:00-7:00pm Founders Grove (Mixed Presence)
Kol Nidrei Late Service Friday,
October 11th
7:30-9:30pm Sanctuary (Mixed Presence)
Yom Kippur AM Early Service Saturday,
October 12th
9:00-10:00am Founders Grove (Mixed Presence)
Yom Kippur Ruach Saturday,
October 12th
10:30-11:00am Founders Grove (Mixed Presence)
Yom Kippur AM Late Service Saturday,
October 12th
11:45am-2:15pm Sanctuary (Mixed Presence)
Yom Kippur Afternoon Programs Session 1 Saturday,
October 12th
2:30-3:45pm Around campus
(no mixed presence)
Yom Kippur Mincha Saturday,
October 12th
2:30-3:45pm Sanctuary (Mixed Presence)
Yom Kippur Teen Program Saturday,
October 12th
2:30-3:45pm Meadow
Yom Kippur Afternoon Programs Session 2 Saturday,
October 12th
4:00-5:15pm Around campus
(no mixed presence)
Yom Kippur Yizkor Circle Saturday,
October 12th
4:00-5:15pm Outside, behind the Sanctuary
(no mixed presence)
Yom Kippur Yizkor Saturday,
October 12th
5:30pm-6:30pm Sanctuary (Mixed Presence)
Ne'ilah Saturday,
October 12th
6:30pm-7:30pm Sanctuary (Mixed Presence)
Erev Sukkerviceot Service Wednesday,
October 16th
6:15-7:00pm Sukkah, i.e. Founders Grove (Mixed Presence)
Sukkot Festival
Morning Service
October 17th
10:15am-12:15pm Sukkah, i.e. Founders Grove (Mixed Presence)
Erev Shabbat &
Chol Ha'moed Sukkot Service
New Member Welcome Celebration
October 18th
5:30-7:30pm 5:30: Service in Sanctuary
6:15: dinner in meadow & Sukkah (i.e. Founders Grove)
(Mixed Presence)
Open Sukkot Sunday,
October 20th
11:00-5:00pm Beth El members' homes
Nechama Yizkor Service Wednesday, October 23rd 5:15-6:15pm Nechama Garden
Sukkot Yizkor Service Wednesday, October 23rd 6:15-7:15pm Sukkah, i.e. Founders Grove (Mixed Presence)
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Simchat Torah Celebration Thursday,
October 24th
1st Anniversary Kaddish
5:15-6:00pm Celebration
6:00-6:45pm Dinner
7:00-8:30pm Simchat Torah
5:00-6:00 pm: Sanctuary (Mixed Presence)
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6:00-6:45pm: Social Hall & Breezeway

7:00-8:30pm: Beit Midrash




Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785