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Welcome to YALA Beth El, our high school education program.

YALA Beth El (Youth Are Learning at Beth El!)

Introducing our **BRAND NEW** high school program… YALA Beth El! Every Thursday night from 6:15-8:00 pm.

Come find out why Thursday nights at Beth El will become the place to be each week! 

YALA Beth El is our Thursday night high school program. Each Thursday night, our teens will gather together and experience community and face-to-face connection! It is a place for our students to temporarily unplug from their homework, TikTok, and Instagram accounts, and join together for meaningful conversations, community building, and opportunities for self-discovery. Each Thursday night, our teens will join together with their peers, teachers, and clergy to feel strengthened by their Beth El community as they encounter the world in front of them! 

YALA Beth El begins with an informal dinner together, allowing the stresses of the day to temporarily take a back seat with conversation, laughter, and community. Our teens then move into grade level connection and learning. During this time, our teens will have opportunities to “check-in” with one another and reflect on their week. Each grade focuses on a particular curriculum helping to support our teens as they continue to develop their own Jewish identities. YALA Beth El concludes with Siyyum, an opportunity to sing our closing song and say l’hitraot – we’ll see you again soon! 


6:15: Dinner & Schmooze
6:40: Grade Level Connection and Learning
7:50: Siyyum / Closing Circle
8:00: L’hitraot (We’ll see you next week!)


  • Beth El’s 9th grade program focuses on Kehilla, Hebrew word for community, as they start the year off by diving into our bigger community: Exploring Jewish Peoplehood, including the Jewish diaspora and learning about the marginalized voices of Mizrahi and Sephardi Jewish communities throughout the Middle East and North Africa, celebrating the cultural differences and overlaps with our own identities. By mid-year, the class scales back and inward as we focus on our internal-community - ourselves! - and in what ways we (through sacred text and through modern practice) can best embrace self-care and uplift our inner-Kehillah. We round out the year by examining our bridged Kehillah - connecting the pieces of our inner selves to our outer support network, guiding discussion around friendships, family, and peers to develop understanding, dependability, and healthy relationships for the future.
  • Beth El’s 10th grade program places an emphasis on Achri’ut, the Hebrew word for responsibility, as they launch the year by comparing sacred texts of responsibility with how it impacts their own actions and values as we compare the care of ourselves, for our community, and for the planet. The conversations around achri’ut from the start of the year, propel students into the mid-year dive into Judaism and Justice, a winter class series for 10th-12th grade students in preparation for the L’Taken trip to Washington D.C. with the Religious Action Center at the end of February 2025 (our F.A.Q. on L’taken can be found here!). In the spring, students will also dive into the responsibility of finances: covering financial literacy such as budget, savings, credit cards, and more. As we close out the year, our 10th grade cohort will put words into action as they create an end of year action project that correlates with the students’ discussions and passions from the previous classes on justice work. 
  • Beth El’s 11th-12th grade program focuses on Kavod, the Hebrew word for respect. As students begin to step into adulthood, we dive deeper into the more serious issues that they are facing as young people today. We focus the fall curriculum on respecting the body and themselves as their conversations stem from topics such as consent and reproductive rights in the Torah to learning about the opioid crisis, including training our students on how to effectively use Naloxone (Narcan) in the event of an opioid overdose. The conversations around respect propel students into the mid-year dive into Judaism and Justice, a winter class series for 10th-12th grade students in preparation for the L’Taken trip to Washington D.C. with the Religious Action Center at the end of February 2025 (our F.A.Q. on L’taken can be found here!). As our 11th-12th graders wrap up the year, they will end their curriculum on kavod by diving into Israel - discussing the conflict, and the possibility for peace, in the Middle East.


As part of our 9-12th Grade Program, we are excited to bring forward and continue with a variety of teen-centered immersive experiences! These will be in addition to the weekly YALA Beth El Thursday night program. See below for things to look forward to with more information being shared soon!

Bay Yachad Fall Retreat – Friday, October 13 - 15, 2024
The teen cohort will join together for a Fall adventure and immersive experience!

10th-12th Grade L’Taken Trip to Washington, D.C. – Thursday, February 20-24, 2025*
Our 10th-12th graders will experience a trip of a lifetime as we travel together to Washington, D.C. While in Washington, D.C., our 10th-12th graders will participate in the L’taken Teen Judaism and Justice Seminar, led by the Religious Action Center. As part of this seminar, our teens will learn how to lobby and bring forward change on issues that are important to them, as well as have an opportunity to lobby directly to Congress.
*To attend L'Taken, 10th graders must be enrolled in YALA for the 2024-25 academic year.


YALA Fall Retreat: September 13-15

Rosh Hashanah: October 3 - Teen Siyyum at Rosh Hashanah Services

Chanukah: December 14 - Limos & Latkes

Tu B'shevat: February 8 - concert + teen evening program

L'taken: Thurs, Feb 20 - Mon, Feb 24, 2025

Purim: Thursday, March 13, 2025 - YALA Celebration

YALA Spring Retreat: *Tentative March 21-23*

End of Year Teen Siyyum Celebration: May 7, 2025


Beth El Teen Ambassadors (BETA)
applications are now open for upcoming 9th-12th Graders who want to help create engaging bi-monthly events for our teen community. This group will meet monthly on Wednesday evenings from 6:15 pm-7:45 pm (dinner included). Apply here.

Madrichim applications are now open for upcoming 8th-12th Graders to assist the Kadima (K-5th Grade program) on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and/or Thursdays beginning the week of September 3rd, 2024 in an interactive and fun environment.

Madrichim receive honoraria and valuable professional work experience. Madrichim must be members of Congregation Beth El. Preference will be given to Madrichim that are continuing their Jewish education. All 8th grade students who would like to be Madrichim must be enrolled in the 8th grade program.

Mandatory Training Days:  August 13 (4-6pm), October 10 (6-7:30pm), November 17 (4-6pm), January 5 (4-6pm), January 16 (6-7:30pm), March 9 (4-6pm), March 20 (6-7:30pm).

The Madrichim program begins with the first week of YAFE Programs: September 3, 2024.

Are you ready to make the Madrichim commitment? Apply here.

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785